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Text File | 1995-04-23 | 6.4 KB | 238 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- {Bricks}
- {}
- {Demo program for SAT 2.3, by Ingemar Ragnemalm november 1994}
- {}
- {The purpose of this demo is to test and demonstrate the support for what I call "resting" sprites.}
- {If a sprite neither moves, changes face, overlaps a changing sprite nor changes its place in the}
- {sprite list, then SAT can avoid drawing it.}
- {}
- {For programs where all sprites change in every frame (which is the case in many arcade games)}
- {then this is not of any interest at all, and will just slow things down. For other programs, for}
- {example board games, Tetris-style games etc, this technique is very useful.}
- {}
- {For the moment (SAT 2.3d3), you get the new system by calling SATRun2 instead of SATRun. The name}
- {of SATRun2 is likely to change in the future.}
- {}
- {When you start Bricks, the sprites will not be initialied in order, so since VPositionSort}
- {is active, they will sort during the first frames. This slows the program down for the first}
- {few seconds. If this is a problem, it can be avoided by either turning off sorting or}
- {creating the sprite in the proper places from the start.}
- {}
- {Bug note: When using "fast graphics", the cursor will cause some "mouse droppings". This is best avoided}
- {by hiding the cursor and repllacing it with a SAT sprite. The "proper" way to avoid the problem is to}
- {call ShieldCursor, but that will make the cursor flicker a lot.}
- program Bricks;
- uses
- Types, QuickDraw, Events, Windows, Dialogs, Fonts, DiskInit, TextEdit, Traps,{}
- Memory, SegLoad, Scrap, ToolUtils, OSUtils, Menus, Resources, StandardFile,{}
- GestaltEqu, Files, Errors, Devices,
- {$elsec}
- InterfacesUI,
- {$endc}
- SAT;
- const
- kNumBricks = 30;
- var
- brickFace: array[0..kNumBricks] of FacePtr;
- myEvent: EventRecord;
- whichWindow: WindowPtr;
- appleMenu, fileMenu: MenuHandle;
- gUseStagger, gDone, gUseFast, gAllowBackground: Boolean;
- i: integer;
- sp, found: SpritePtr;
- theSelection: Longint;
- where: Point;
- theKey: Char;
- whichPart: Integer;
- hasEvent: Boolean;
- procedure InitBricks;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to kNumBricks - 1 do
- brickFace[i] := SATGetFace(i + 128);
- end;
- procedure HandleRestingBrick (me: SpritePtr);
- begin
- end;
- procedure HandleFollowMouse (me: SpritePtr);
- var
- mousePos: Point;
- begin
- if Button then
- begin
- GetMouse(mousePos);
- me^.position.h := me^.position.h + mousePos.h - me^.speed.h;
- me^.position.v := me^.position.v + mousePos.v - me^.speed.v;
- me^.speed := mousePos;
- end
- else
- me^.task := @HandleRestingBrick;
- end;
- procedure SetupBrick (me: SpritePtr);
- begin
- me^.task := @HandleRestingBrick;
- me^.face := brickFace[me^.kind];
- end;
- procedure SynchMenus;
- begin
- CheckItem(fileMenu, 1, not gUseStagger);
- CheckItem(fileMenu, 2, gUseStagger);
- CheckItem(fileMenu, 3, gUseFast);
- CheckItem(fileMenu, 4, gAllowBackground);
- end;
- procedure MenuSelection (theSelection: Longint);
- var
- name: Str255;
- saveport: GrafPtr;
- begin
- case HiWord(theSelection) of
- 128:
- begin
- if LoWord(theSelection) = 1 then
- SATReportStr('Experimental SAT demo program. Resting sprites allow good speed with many sprites!')
- else
- begin
- GetPort(saveport);
- GetMenuItemText(appleMenu, 1, name); (* get name *)
- if OpenDeskAcc(name) = 0 then (* run the desk accessory *)
- ;
- SetPort(saveport);
- end;
- end;
- 129:
- case LoWord(theSelection) of
- 1:
- gUseStagger := false;
- 2:
- gUseStagger := true;
- 3:
- gUseFast := not gUseFast;
- 4:
- gAllowBackground := not gAllowBackground;
- 6:
- gDone := true;
- end; {case MenuSelect}
- otherwise
- end;
- SynchMenus;
- HiLiteMenu(0);
- end;
- begin
- {CodeWarrior needs inits here}
- SATInitToolbox;
- {$ENDC}
- InitBricks;
- SATInit(128, 129, 512, 342);
- SATSetPortScreen;
- gUseStagger := true;
- gAllowBackground := true;
- gUseFast := false;
- for i := 0 to kNumBricks - 1 do
- sp := SATNewSprite(i, SATRand(gSAT.offSizeH - 48), SATRand(gSAT.offSizeV - 64), @SetupBrick);
- for i := 0 to kNumBricks - 1 do
- sp := SATNewSprite(i, SATRand(gSAT.offSizeH - 48), SATRand(gSAT.offSizeV - 64), @SetupBrick);
- appleMenu := NewMenu(128, stringof(char($14)));
- AppendMenu(appleMenu, 'About Bricks demo…;(-');
- AppendResMenu(appleMenu, 'DRVR');
- InsertMenu(appleMenu, 0); { put apple menu at end of menu bar }
- fileMenu := NewMenu(129, 'File');
- AppendMenu(fileMenu, 'RunSAT/1;RunSAT2/2;Fast graphics/F;Allow background tasks;(-;Quit/Q');
- InsertMenu(fileMenu, 0); { put file menu at end of menu bar }
- DrawMenuBar;
- SynchMenus;
- InitCursor;
- repeat
- {if gUseFast then}
- {ShieldCursor(gSAT.bounds, Point(0));}
- if gUseStagger then
- SATRun2(gUseFast)
- else
- SATRun(gUseFast);
- {if gUseFast then}
- {ShowCursor;}
- if gAllowBackground then
- begin
- SystemTask;
- hasEvent := GetNextEvent(everyEvent, myEvent)
- end
- else
- hasEvent := GetOSEvent(everyEvent, myEvent); {or perhaps mDownMask + updateMask + keyDownMask}
- if hasEvent then
- case myEvent.what of
- updateEvt:
- if WindowPtr(myEvent.message) = gSAT.wind.port then
- begin
- BeginUpdate(gSAT.wind.port);
- SATRedraw;
- EndUpdate(gSAT.wind.port);
- end;
- keyDown:
- begin
- theKey := char(BitAnd(myEvent.message, charCodeMask));
- if (BitAnd(myEvent.modifiers, cmdKey) <> 0) then
- MenuSelection(MenuKey(theKey))
- else
- {DoKey(theKey, theEvent.modifiers)}
- ;
- end;
- mouseDown:
- begin
- whichPart := FindWindow(myEvent.where, whichWindow);
- case whichPart of
- inMenuBar:
- begin
- theSelection := MenuSelect(myEvent.where);
- MenuSelection(theSelection);
- end;
- inSysWindow:
- SystemClick(myEvent, whichWindow);
- inContent:
- begin
- found := nil;
- sp := gSAT.sRoot;
- GetMouse(where);
- while sp <> nil do
- begin
- if PtInRect(where, sp^.r) then
- found := sp;
- sp := sp^.next;
- end;
- if found <> nil then
- if myEvent.modifiers <> 0 then
- found^.task := nil
- else
- begin
- found^.task := @HandleFollowMouse;
- found^.speed := where; {not speed, but storage for old mouse position}
- end;
- end;
- otherwise
- end; {case whichPart}
- end;
- otherwise
- end;{case myEvent.what}
- until gDone;
- SATSoundShutup;
- end.